About blog content
The content published here is protected by Copyright Law. When I use third party material, it is duly credited, with link to the source page, if any. Each post takes time, research and dedication to make, so if you liked it, indicate the link without copying the content in full, as this constitutes plagiarism. Advertising will always be signposted.
About the images
Images (photographs and illustrations) are also protected by Copyright Law, which can be personal or paid for by a client. This blog is not configured as an image bank free, so if you want to use any of my illustrations, you will need to ask for permission, even if it is to make a post publicity on your blog/website.
The adaptation and creation of derivative works without prior authorization is also prohibited.
About comments
Here on the blog we value respect, above all else.
Comments are moderated so that we can respond to everyone with the same care.
Offensive and prejudiced messages will not be published.
If you want to make a criticism, it will be welcome, as long as it is done politely.
Some images and articles on the blog are reproductions from the internet.
If you found an image or article of your own, please get in touch so that the appropriate credits can be added or they can be deleted promptly.